November 29, 2023
Meet Trish Mock, the creative force behind GOOD PSYCHE, founded on the premise that mushrooms and medicinal plants bring balance to the body, solace to the mind, and have a positive impact on overall quality of life. We had the opportunity to talk with Trish about beauty, cognitive health, and sexual wellness. In our conversation, Trish shared insights on her inspirations, grit, and the practice of traditional herbal medicine.
TM: We make products for the body and mind with 100% legal medicinal plants and mushrooms. My goal with GP is to create elegant products that enhance your physical, emotional, and sexual well-being, in a way that feels less like “healthcare” and more like an enjoyable ritual.
Good Psyche sits at the intersection of beauty, wellness, and mental health, and we’ve dubbed that convergence Immersive Care.
TM: My mother is an herbalist and has a traditional Chinese medicine practice and medicinal herb farm in Upstate NY where she grows and bottles all sorts of herbal remedies for patients in her acupuncture clinic.
GP is an extension of her knowledge and expertise in a brand that appeals to more new-age wellness consumers.
DJ: I see that your signature saying is “Stay Curious,” what does that mean to you, and how does it align with your brand?
TM: Curiosity, while innate in all of us, often fades with age. Similar to creativity and imagination, societal structures around work and education, the influence of "sheeple", and fear of failure, and shame have all contributed to the collective dampening of our curiosity and childlike wonderment.
I’ve found that my pursuit of entrepreneurship has re-engaged that curious spark as I delve into the vast and seemingly mystical botanical world of medicinal plants and herbs. In doing so, I rediscovered the kind of genuine excitable wonderment that fuels a flow state for hours and hours on end.
As I build this company, I’ve realized that we must encourage curiosity to reward those with the courage to push open a door when they aren’t exactly sure what will be on the other side. The world of botanical medicine is like stepping through the wardrobe and into Narnia. You will see and experience things you didn’t think possible. How can one little lily or an unassuming succulent ignite your empathy, influence prosocial behavior, boost your libido, and transform your quality of life? You have to be curious to find out! If you are, you will discover magic. THIS is why we call Good Psyche “immersive care for curious humans.”
DJ: If someone has never dabbled into herbal medicine, what should they expect when trying your product for the first time?
TM: We wanted to create formulas that allow you to feel better now. Herbs often have innate long-term health benefits, but instead of the “take this every day for 30 years, and it may prevent dementia” sort of thing, we create product experiences that give you that instant payoff. Our Blue Lotus products help to safely enhance your mood and give you a little boost in your libido so you can feel better now, not later. Unlike many “quick fixes,” GP products are also safe for daily use, meaning they are non-habit-forming.
The other thing I would say is, to be curious about your wellbeing! We, as a collective Western society, are so used to the extremes when it comes to the way we consume. We want that overnight fix. When it comes to herbs, there’s a subtlety to the way they work to rebalance and recalibrate your body and mind (and spirit). If you pay attention, you’ll become more in tune with the fluctuations in your mood, for example, that you may not be tuned into noticing on a daily basis.
So instead of searching for the “high”, try feeling for the “better.”
DJ: Any advice for creatives or entrepreneurs?
TM: If you are an entrepreneur and can’t see the end goal, make a point to keep searching for it and take it one day at a time! Keep picking away at actionable steps, and I promise things become clearer and clearer as you go on. You just have to keep going!
For both creatives & entrepreneurs, my number one piece of advice is COLLABORATE. Send the email, DM, or walk up and introduce yourself! People are all searching for ways to improve their skill sets or portfolios, and people will be thrilled to have YOU in their network! Put yourself in the rooms you want to be in with the people you aspire to be like. You really are always just one person away from your next milestone.
DJ: If you were to go back in time and meet child Trish, what would you tell her that she wouldn’t believe?
I’d tell her that she’s capable of creating anything she wants to, and that she’s a hell of a lot grittier than she even realizes. You have something that sets the few apart from the many when it comes to being and building something great: Grit. Others may be smarter or have more resources than you, but they’ll fall off because they don’t have the grit or integrity to stick with it. You do what you say you’re going to do. The follow-through is a superpower. Use it.
April 04, 2024